
Summer Positions

Check back this fall to learn more about Summer 2025 positions.

Every summer, we hire hundreds of seasonal staff to work in our programs. Summer staff gain valuable work experience and make life-long friends.

Meet Our Hiring Team

Interested in working at camp, but not sure what position is right for you? Reach out to us!

Chimney Corners Camp:

Abbot Pittman, apittman@bccymca.org

Camp Becket:

Dan Berg, dberg@bccymca.org

Travel and Service Programs:

Brittany James, bjames@bccymca.org

Becket Day Camp:

Halie Duval, hduval@bccymca.org

Medical and Support Staff:

Matt Scholl, mscholl@bccymca.org

General Job Inquiries and Support:

Joanne Salus, jsalus@bccymca.org

Seasonal Positions

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