Registration for summer 2025 is open!

Leadership Programs


Our programs are designed to grow with our campers, and a significant part of that growth is our leadership development program. Younger campers are introduced to leadership concepts through games and activities like teambuilding and low ropes, while our older campers take on new responsibilities like helping to plan group activities and mentoring younger campers. 


Once our campers reach the 10th grade and have graduated out of camp, they can apply to our off-site Travel & Service Programs. The summer after they finish 11th grade, they then have the option to apply to become an Aide, our leader-in-training program designed to support campers as they transition into staff roles.

Our Leadership Philosophy

The word leadership often conjures an image of a person standing in front of a group. For us, leadership can look a lot of different ways, and as an organization, we recognize that there are as many types of leaders as there are people. Strong organizations are just as much built on diverse leadership styles as they are good fellowship, and thus our training philosophy is not about building a leadership mold. Our goal is to help children and young adults find out more about themselves, practice independence, learn how to work collaboratively and express these skills in a way that is uniquely their own.

Finishing 10TH Grade

Chimney Corners and Camp Becket campers come together in their Travel & Service Program (TSP) year to travel on one of our off-site programs around the world. These programs are for campers finishing 10th grade who want to develop their leadership skills, explore new places, and connect with other cultures. With an emphasis on the small group experience, TSP offers a supportive environment for participants to explore the world and develop themselves as young adults.

Core components of every program include leadership development, cultural and environmental engagement, and service learning.

Where We Go:

  • Chile
  • Japan
  • New Zealand
  • Peru
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Uruguay
Finishing 11TH Grade

Campers completing the 11th grade can apply for the full-summer Aides Program at either Chimney Corners or Camp Becket. This highly competitive program is designed to help young leaders transition from campers to staff. This final step provides participants with the skills and confidence necessary to assume a staff role, ensures our programs have well-trained staff for the future, and keeps our former campers engaged for years to come.


Program Highlights


  • Spend 6 – 8 weeks in camp working on various work assignments and assisting with camp activities to gain a better understanding of camp operations. An Aide has opportunities to observe and learn more about camp counseling, leadership, and support services.
  • Spend up to 2 weeks traveling with a group of fellow Aides to the Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota where our partnership with the YMCA of the Seven Council Fires enables them to develop leadership skills through a service-oriented experience based in a Native American community.
  • Receive training and certification in First Aid, CPR, and Lifeguarding through the American Red Cross.
  • Receive mentorship from our Camp Directors and staff on the journey to becoming a counsellor and stronger leader for life.

Application & Eligibility

Both the Travel & Service Programs and Aides program require an application process and not all participants who apply will get in. 

When reviewing applications, we look for individuals who have demonstrated the following:

  • Leadership potential
  • Interest in service, cultural exchange, and personal growth
  • Resilience
  • Personal responsibility and initiative
  • Self care and ability to manage own medications
  • Positive group membership
  • Interest in continuing on with our programs as an Aide or staff member

Applications are mailed each Fall to age-eligible campers. Online presentations to learn more about our leadership programs will be available in the Fall.

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