
Summer Positions

Meet Our Hiring Team

Interested in working at camp, but not sure what position is right for you? Reach out to us!

Chimney Corners Camp:

Abbot Pittman, apittman@bccymca.org

Camp Becket:

Dan Berg, dberg@bccymca.org

Travel and Service Programs:

Brittany James, bjames@bccymca.org

Becket Day Camp:

Halie Duval, hduval@bccymca.org

Medical and Support Staff:

Matt Scholl, mscholl@bccymca.org

General Job Inquiries and Support:

Joanne Salus, jsalus@bccymca.org

Seasonal Positions

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Emily has joined the year-round team after five years of being a seasonal summer staff member. A local resident, Emily enjoys the changes of pace that the seasons bring to the Berkshires. In the colder months, she enjoys crocheting, cooking, and baking. In the warmer months, she enjoys hiking and exploring with her husband and three kids (when they aren’t at Chimney!) You can also find her reading or painting whenever she finds the time. In the workplace, she prides herself on her organization and drive for efficiency. Her favorite part about camp is making connections with so many friends from all over the world. Emily looks forward to getting to know more camp families and colleagues in her new role!